
In Agrisolutions Since 1953



Combination Drench For Sheep

Broad spectrum combination sheep drench containing Closantel and Abamectin. For use where there may be resistance to single active drenches.

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Closantel 50 g/L and Abamectin 1 g/L.


As a broad spectrum combination drench, this product can be effective against internal parasites of sheep resistant to the single actives.

Wolverine contains a high amount of Closantel compared to single active Closantel drenches.

Period of Protection

At the recommended dose rate, Wolverine provides 6 weeks activity against closantel susceptible barbers pole worm. It also limits pasture contamination with faecal eggs for up to 6 weeks after drenching.

WOLVERINE COMBINATION DRENCH FOR SHEEP is administered orally using any standard drenching equipment that provides a consistent dose volume. Dose and equipment should be checked before drenching commences. The sheep dose is 1mL/5Kg bodyweight (200 micrograms abamectin and 10mg Closantel per Kg bodyweight).

Animals in excess of 80Kg to be dosed at 2mL/10 Kg body weight. A representative sample of animals should be weighed before treatment. Dose according to the heaviest animal by liveweight I the group (ewes, rams, lambs, wethers etc.) Do not underdose. Where there is a large variation in size within the group, dose group should be based on label directions for each weight range. Drafting in to two or more lines may be appropriate to avoid excessive overdosing.

Withholding Periods

Meat: 49 Days
Milk: Do not use in ewes which are producing or may in the future produce milk or milk products for human consumption.
Wool: N/a

Trade Advice

Export Slaughter interval: 84 Days


10L - 50 drums to a pallet, 5L - 4 per box.


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