Eprinomectin Pour-On for Beef and Dairy Cattle
For the treatment and control of internal and external parasites of beef and dairy cattle and internal parasites of deer.
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Eprinomectin 5 g/L. Eprinomectin is part of the Macrocylic Lactone (ML) group of chemicals. Use of ML’s induce paralysis and death in the target parasites.
Dosage and Administration
A representative sample of animals should be weighed with either scales or a weighband. Dose the mob according to the heaviest animal by liveweight in the group (cows, bulls, calves, heifers, hinds, stags, fawns, etc). Do not underdose. Where there is a large variation in size within the group, draft into two or more lines based on bodyweight, to avoid excessive overdosing. This product is formulated only for pour-on application to cattle and deer; do not use in other species. The formulation should be applied along the topline in a narrow strip extending from the withers to the tailhead.
The dose rate is 1mL for each 10kg of liveweight.
1L, 5L and 20L