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Sheep Expo and Ram Sale Katanning WA

Sheep Expo and Ram Sale Katanning WA

Four teams took part with students from Harvey, Narrogin, Denmark and Cunderdin making their way though four hours of judging. 

The winners Levi Wagenknecht, Aaron Schilling, Libby Hardingham and Tyson Lansdell were delighted with the win,  taking good hold of the cup and winning sash. 

Judge Rick Wise said: "It was very close between first and second but Narrogin took the overall win.  These are a great group of young people learning as much as they can about sheep."


ZAGRO Territory Sales Manager Marcia Devenney said: "It was fantastic to watch each team work with the stud breeders to learn tips about each sheep, wool quality, conformation and many other critical criteria. The students are our future industry leaders and we were thrilled to support the Junior Judging competition."

Sheep Expo and Ram Sale Katanning WA   Sheep Expo and Ram Sale Katanning WA



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August 20, 2021
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